High Desert Amateur Radio Club of NM INC.™
a 501(c)(3) non-profit Charity DONATE HERE
FREE test Sponsor of the Institute of HAM Radio Sciences™
In cooperation with NewMexicoHAMRadio.com™

Broadcast of the monthly General Membership Meeting. ZOOM link for the 3rd Saturday meeting: will be posted here:
HDARC at Spaceport 2024

Congratulations!! Rob and Elaine Summerhill, Winners of the Frank Warren HAM of the YEAR Award. Given to the member(s) who exibit service to others in the tradition set out by our club founder Frank Warren AB5WJ. Previous winner Yul Bratcher on the left and our president Mike Smith on the right.

Antenna building class

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Rob and Elaine POTA activation
click for video
Field Day 2024

a visit by Representative Stefani Lord

Early morning setup of communication trailer


a visit by Representative Stefani Lord

The NEW magic carpet!!!

October 19 ASK amateur radio club at the Fall Festival with MANY new hams. HDARC members David,Mike, Rob, Ken, Wes, Becky

Tim Keller,
Mayor of Albuquerque came by to see the club in action, Field Day 2023
Sad News, Our friend and fellow Ham,
Wesley "Wes" Jones NM5WJ has become a silent key. You will be missed. 73

HDARC Sandia Mtn repeater
442.750 tone 162.2 +shift
HDARC Repeater East Mountain
145.370 tone 162.2 -shift
Click on Photo below for 2024 Hamfest presentations

Download the MMSSTV software at: https://hamsoft.ca/pages/mmsstv.php, see DOWNLOADS. MMSSTV113A.exe 2,5 mb.
Attention! Date and time may change.
Refer to AMSAT.org / Pass Predictions / ISS
October 28th, Hamming Around New Mexico and the East Mountain Group Meeting, Moriarty Airport, see details below.
HDARC Red Hat YL Generals

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Hamming Around New Mexico
On JUNE 10th we headed to the Cibola National Forest for a POTA activation, and fantastic BBQ provided

Upcoming Events with the HDARC
WEEKLY chat shack NET every Saturday on Mega link 10am click for frequencies across NM & TX
10am . Meeting at Domingo Baca Center 3rd Saturday of every month

CONGRATULATIONS. !! Jack Poccia, the youngest HDARC Extra!! WE are Proud of you!!
We all pased our test

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TONS of HAM gear at BLOWOUT prices
call David 619 306-7260

Mike Smith with two ASK scholars new hams

Click on image to right to see all the pictures from the ZOMBIE APPOCOLYPSE at UNM
@ THE ASK ACADEMY Noon till 7pm. 1-28-23
1 Yul Bratcher WA5YUL delivering 800 COVID-19 rapid tests courtesy of HDARC and Bernalillo County OEM to Al Braun AC5BX of the Socorro ARES group and Socorro ARC for public distribution in Socorro.
2. Yul Bratcher WA5YUL delivering 3200 COVID-19 rapid tests courtesy of HDARC and Bernalillo County OEM to Tom Gallager, Director Domingo Baca Community Center which will be distributed to the public at Domingo Baca, Bear Canyon Community Center, and Los Volcanes Community center in Albuquerque.
October 19,2022 at the Nuclear Museum for a special event, the club taught HAM to over 100 students from several schools. Over 25 students GOT ON THE AIR. We were the hit of the day

We Offer
click HERE to register
Free License (VE) Testing on the 3rd Sat of the month at 12:00 noon after the monthly meeting at 10am.
North Domingo Baca Center
7521 Carmel Ave N.E.
classroom #4 click for map
Albuquerque NM 87113
You can email us at
or call 505 355-6329
Something interesting....
John Cunningham and his son Brandon, offer the extra training course for free as long as you are at least a General and a VE. We can always add you to the Laurel group, and get it gratis. Here is the info:
HamTestOnline™ - Free Extra Course for Active Volunteer Examiners
HamTestOnline™ - Free Extra Course for Active Volunteer Examiners
Free Extra course for active volunteer examiners!
Pretty sweet....
Examinees are required by the FCC to submit your FRN with your license application form.
New license applicants must create an FCC user account and register their Social Security Number (SSN) in the FCC Commission Registration System (CORES) before attending exam sessions. Registrants will be assigned an FRN which will be used in all license transactions with the FCC. For instructions on how to register your SSN and receive an FRN from the FCC, visit the CORES Registration page and the FCC's Registration instructions page.
Per FCC rules, a valid email address is also mandatory on the application form.
WE Meet 10am the third SATURDAY at Domingo Baca, map below

Past Schedule for Hamming Around New Mexico
July 9th, Saturday Los Alamos - .
Visit the Bradbury Science Museum – No entrance fee click
Set up for Ham Radio Activation at the local park.
August 13th, Saturday Madrid 50 Minute drive from the Denny’s Parking lot near I-25 and Hwy 550.
Visit the Mining Museum click $5 entrance fee Lunch at a local restaurant CLICK FOR GREAT VIDEO OF MINING IN THE AREA
Click here for pictures of the fun had by all
Sept 10th, 2022 Saturday Ice Cave, Grants, NM 90 minute drive from the Route 66 Casino off ramp to Ice Caves. Visit Ice Caves and Bandera Volcano click.