High Desert Amateur Radio Club of NM INC.™
a 501(c)(3) non-profit Charity DONATE HERE
FREE test Sponsor of the Institute of HAM Radio Sciences™
In cooperation with NewMexicoHAMRadio.com™

Repeater Etiquette
The following information is a simple guide to courteous operation on repeaters. If you operate using these simple guidelines, you will make it more enjoyable for everyone operating on repeaters, and you will also set a good example for others. It never hurts to review the guidelines (and new hams may not be familiar with these guidelines) to make sure you are being a responsible amateur radio operator. Remember, repeaters are a public service, and general courtesy is expected of all amateur radio operators.
Take the time to listen to a repeater before you talk.
Do not monopolize the repeater. Simplex may be more appropriate for lengthy conversations. Keep in mind that repeaters are a shared resource and are to be available to a large community of users. A good operating practice is to use simplex for long conversations (rag chewing) if possible.
Transmit your call sign when you first come on the air. Make sure you ID once every 10 minutes, but there is no need to identify too often. (47CFR § 97.119.a)
Our repeaters normally have a 3 minute "timeout" setting. The 3-minute length is meant as a maximum length, not a suggested length. It is considered good etiquette to keep your transmission length shorter than this.
Some topics are like land mines – Religion, Politics, Sex, etc. Do not discuss these subjects over the air! It can be more interesting than discussing what you ate for lunch last Wednesday, or the weather conditions you experienced two days ago, or how bad your bunions are troubling you, but “land mine” conversations can sometimes descend into a shouting match and can cause people to become upset (even those listening and not part of the conversation).
Do not belittle, berate, defame or speak ill of others....period. This includes individuals, groups, nations, aspect of the hobby, etc. Using words such as idiot, stupid, hate monger, etc. in reference to any person, entity or group should not be tolerated.
Even ‘mild’ obscenities are not good operating practice. This includes suggestive phrases, and suggestive phonetics. (47 CFR §97.113.a.4)
Do not inject a comment into a conversation without saying your call sign. Part 97 of the Code of Federal Regulations, which governs our operations as amateur radio operators, requires that you identify with your callsign. (47 CFR § 97.119.a) Transmitting comments without identifying yourself is prohibited. Interrupting is no more polite on the radio than in the real world.
Give a pause before keying the mic and speaking. Don’t start speaking as you key the mic. Repeaters have a short delay before transmitting. If you start speaking too soon, your first few words may not be heard. Make sure you have finished speaking before you un-key the mic.
Pause periodically to see if anyone else would either like to join the conversation or use the repeater for a quick call that is not part of the ongoing conversation.
When identifying, please say your call sign slowly and clearly. Call signs that are rattled off too fast can make the call sign totally unintelligible.
Don't forget that the FCC prohibits the transmission or retransmission of music (and almost anything else that is received over the airwaves; for specifics, see (47 CFR § 97.113.a.4). If you have a radio turned on (this is especially common for many mobile stations), make sure that it's turned down before you transmit.
When using “comment” or “break” to be recognized and you are acknowledged by net control or the folks using the frequency, then be sure to identify with your call sign.

LOCAL Repeaters
New Mexico Mega-Link Association www.NM5ML.com
Freq (MHz)Offset/Tone (Hz)Notes
145.29-100.0 Sandia Crest, east of Albuquerque
444.325+100.0 Sandia Crest
147.34+67.0 Cedro Peak, Tijeras
147.28+100.0 Gallinas Lookout, Corona
147.26+67.0 Elk Mountain, Las Vegas
147.24+67.0 Eureka Mesa, Cuba
146.66-100.0 Microwave Ridge, Grants
147.24+100.0 'M' Mountain, Socorro
Upper Rio FM Society www.urfmsi.org
Freq (MHz)Offset/Tone (Hz)Notes
146.90-67.0Op Center, in Albuquerque
449.55-71.9Op Center, in Albuquerque
146.86- NAOp Center, in Albuquerque (D-Star) Mod C Gateway
449.45- NAOp Center, in Albuquerque (D-Star) Mod B Gateway
146.96-100.0 Capilla Peak, SE of Albuquerque, NM
444.525+ NA Capilla Peak, SE of Albuquerque, NM (D-Star) Mod B Gateway
442.450+67.0 Sandia Crest, N end of Sandia Crest, E of Albuquerque, NM
442.6+100 Sandia Crest (Diamond Memorial), E of Albuquerque, NM
146.94-100.0 La Mosca, West of Albuquerque, North side of Mt. Taylor
146.64-67.0 Microwave Ridge, West of Albuquerque, South side of Mt. Taylor
147.06+67.0 Tapia Mesa, N of Clines Corners, NM
Local Simplex Frequencies
Freq (MHz)Offset/Tone (Hz)Notes
146.42 SIMPLEX.
146.46 SIMPLEX.
146.52 SIMPLEX.
146.58 SIMPLEX Active group here
High Desert Amateur Radio Club™ www.NM5HD.org
Freq (MHz)Offset/Tone (Hz)Notes
442.750+162.2 Sandia Crest, east of Albuquerque
442.200+67.0 NE Heights in Albuquerque
224.48(also IRLP Node # 3285)-100.0NE Heights OFF AIR removed DEAD
Albuquerque Gas Balloon Assn. www.gasballooning.org
Freq (MHz)Offset/Tone (Hz)Notes
147.38+162.2 Sandia Crest
442.100+162.2 Sandia Crest
Sandia National Labs Radio Club
Freq (MHz)Offset/Tone (Hz)Notes
443.800+ D-STAR, Sandia Crest
Bosque Youth Amateur Radio Club
Freq (MHz)Offset/Tone (Hz)Notes
443.750+100.0 Sandia Crest
Rocky Mountain Ham Radio www.rmham.org
Freq (MHz)Offset/Tone (Hz)Notes
442.900+ MOTOTRBO, Sandia Crest
Los Lunas Amateur Radio Association
Freq (MHz)Offset/Tone (Hz)Notes
146.70-85.4 Los Lunas
145.49-85.4 Capilla Peak, Belen
Valencia County Amateur Radio www.KC5OUR.com
Freq (MHz)Offset/Tone (Hz)Notes
146.70-100.0 Belen
442.700+100.0 Belen
Sandoval County Amateur Radio Emergency Services
Freq (MHz)Offset/Tone (Hz)NotesAllStar LinkEcho Link
147.100+100.0 Rainbow VHF, Rio Rancho27749
443.000+100.0 Rainbow UHF, Rio Rancho277506748
443.100+100.0 Pajarito Peak, SSE of Cuba, NM27748
147.08+100.0 La Madera, at Fire Station 28 in Sandia Park, NM28176
444.18+100.0 Portable, activated during emergencies only
Santa Fe Amateur Radio Club www. W5SF.com
Freq (MHz)Offset/Tone (Hz)Notes
146.82-162.2 Tesuqe Peak, Santa Fe
147.20+162.2 Santa Fe
145.19-100.0 Pajarito Mountain, Los Alamos
147.30+162.2 Elk Mountain, Las Vegas
146.84-162.2 Rowe Mesa, Glorieta
Socorro Amateur Radio Association www.socorroara.org
Freq (MHz)Offset/Tone (Hz)Notes
146.68-100.0 Socorro Peak, Socorro
445.500 +D-STAR, Socorro Peak