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Howdy everybody,


Here is some great news.










Okay now you have the game plan, we will be looking for you to join us.  Lots more information as the weeks pass.

David Ham

President HDARC™

or call David 619 306-7260.  












Click on logo to the left for pictures of the

days events of the 2-19-22 Event at the Nuclear Museum


National Museum of Nuclear Science & History
601 Eubank Blvd SE, Albuquerque, NM 87123
Phone: 505-245-2137



2022 ARRL Rocky Mountain Division Conventionclick

“RadioActive 2022” – We are happy to announce that the 2022 ARRL Rocky Mountain Division Convention hosted by the Shy-Wy ARC and Sweetwater County ARC is coming up on Oct 7th-9th 2022 in Cheyenne, WY!!!

Updates on Forums and Vendors will be updated as we get further along. Please check out the rest of the webpage and tabs for further information on this event! Plan now to join us!
Please email if you have any questions.


R.J. Bragg WY7AA

President Shy-Wy ARC





(As of 1/27/22) list, courtesy of Caravan club


[Ed Ricco, N5LI, has taken on coordination of amateur radio public service events for many years.  For this and other services he provides to the amateur radio community, we are deeply indebted.]


These are community events that require radio communications along their routes for logistic support, scoring and first aid.  In the finest tradition of amateur radio, local amateurs have stepped up to provide this public service.  These events also serve as a way for each ham to test his or her radio equipment under emergency conditions...and to have some fun and fellowship.

Again this year, Ed is seeking help for the following events (and more).  For more information or to volunteer, please contact Ed Ricco, N5LI unless otherwise indicated in the description of the particular event.  Contact: You can also call Ed at (h) 247-4866 or (w) 768-7314.

These are the events presently known to me.  There will be others; stay tuned.


Notes and comments: 

1.   Changes from last list:  New list for the 2022 events season, as things presently stand. 

2.   Recruiting for these events will open shortly.  But for those absolutely bent on volunteering for any of these events, I will sign you up now.





August 2022 (??) – Bike MS (MS 150).  This is projected to be a two-day ride in the Albuquerque area, probably in late August 2022.  Details forthcoming.


October 16, 2022 – Duke City Marathon.  Details forthcoming.


73, Ed Ricco N5LI

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